Tuesday May 10, 2022
UVC, Zoie Sheets | “Disability wasn’t the reason I was excluded - ableism was”
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Zoie is a fourth-year medical student, staff member for UVC’s partner young adult ministry, the Inclusive Collective, and a disability activist and consultant. They work with various organizations across the city — particularly in healthcare and faith spaces — to increase accessibility and support communities in unlearning harmful beliefs about disability. Zoie is a member of UVC Wicker Park.
We hope you enjoy guest preachers, like Zoie, who’ve committed to sharing throughout our sermon series ‘Disabled Jesus, Disabled Love.’ Disabled leaders, thinkers, and advocates have always been at the heart of Christian communities. In the US, one in four people live with a disability. Yet our faith has a long history of teaching about our bodies & needs in ways that hurt, limit and erase. Join us as we learn from and consider the experiences of disabled leaders in our communities to better understand how we might begin to create access for one another, build community, and live into the belovedness of our bodies
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Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
This Sunday closes out our sermon series ‘Disabled Jesus, Disabled Love’ with guest preacher Vincent Tufano. Vincent has been an active UVC member at our Wicker Park site since the summer of 2019 and is currently finishing their teaching degree at Northeastern Illinois University while remaining engaged in their community and family. In our passage from John, post-resurrection Jesus shows up wounded - and celebrates his body before the disciples, but there is still doubt. Vincent explores this doubt while offering new lenses to label and support disability.
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Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
UVC openly celebrates how we are “perfectly imperfect.” Still, disability is often framed as something in need of healing. In our panel discussion facilitated by Pastor D'Angelo, we discuss how disability is not only a journey of acceptance, but a journey of deeply recognizing all of our emotions. The panelists discuss how faith expands our human capacity, not restricts it, and still, we have much work to do to dismantle all the ways access is restricted.
Panelist Bios:
Ailsa Lipscombe, PhD, is a queer, disabled, and chronically ill academic working at the intersections of disability and music. Her work explores how who we are as individuals shapes how we listen to and within diverse environments. She is from Aotearoa, New Zealand, and lives in Chicago with her wife, Emily, and her service dog, Connie.
Emma Trevor (she/her) has been a member of UVC for 7 years, since spring of 2015. She worshiped at the Wicker Park location until 2020. Emma has now made her "home site" the online worship space since the pandemic, and continues to worship from home as she prioritizes her health. Emma holds degrees in women's and gender studies, as well as interfaith dialogue and religious studies. She loves musicals, podcasts, her cat Twixie, and sending mail when the mood strikes. She identifies as both chronically ill and disabled. She uses a bright blue cane to support her mobility. Emma lives with a trio of inte-rrelated diagnoses called "the trifecta": consisting of POTS, hEDS, and MCAS. She will speak more about these in the panel today.
Due to recording difficulties, parts of conversation are difficult to hear. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to address the issue.
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Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Disabled leaders, thinkers, and advocates have always been at the heart of Christian communities. In the US, one in four people live with a disability. Yet our faith has a long history of teaching about our bodies & needs in ways that hurt, limit and erase.
In worship, Pastor Hannah - in conversation with disabled leaders and advocates - encourages us to consider the experiences of every person in our communities and better understand how we can create access for one another, build community together, and live into the belovedness of our bodies in such a time as this
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Monday Apr 18, 2022
UVC, D’Angelo Smith, Site Pastor | I Need Some Resurrection (Luke 24:1-12)
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Happy Easter! Christ is Risen! On Sunday Pastor D’Angelo reminded us that we are resurrection people. Our faith calls us to remember and tell the resurrection stories in our own lives. Like Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and others who arrive at the the tomb and became the first to know Jesus the Christ was alive again, what happens when our faith reveals to us a truth that is hard to accept? Let’s explore this question together and celebrate that resurrection is possible.
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Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
On Sunday we celebrated Palm Sunday looking at Luke's version of this occasion. One verse that particularly grabbed Pastor Christian was when the Pharisees ask Jesus to order the disciples to stop celebrating (Lk 19:39). The religious authorities weren't thrilled with all of the rejoicing and proclaiming -but Jesus responds that even if he told them to stop, the stones would cry out! In those times when we've been told to stop doing something God is calling us to do, what compels us to continue? As we explore this passage and question together, we listen to a testimony from chelseascharity.com
Due to technical streaming difficulties, there are some pauses and skips during the recording. We apologize for the inconvenience
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Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
On our final Sunday before Holy Week - we consider the Mount of Olives. It’s a good reminder that we all need sacred spaces and places in our lives. We need places of solitude where we remember how God has fulfilled God’s promises to us; special places where we go regularly to pray and meet with God; places of hope where we are reminded to trust God; and places of redemption where we remember how God has transformed even our hard experiences
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Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
UVC Testimony: Cantor Julie Green | Sunday, March 27, 2022 | UVC West
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
On Sunday, we continued our sermon series on spiritual practices focusing on song and dance. Because of the scripture passage of the day, Pastor Christian asked Cantor Julie Green to add insight on common Jewish practices during the Passover celebration. Before Julie offered commentary to the scripture in Mark, she blessed the community with this testimony. We hope you enjoy.
You can listen to Julie's full commentary on Mark 14:22-26 in Pastor Christian's sermon in our latest podcast episode titled "Practicing Song & Dance"
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Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
This Sunday, we continued our sermon series on spiritual practices focusing on song and dance. With the help of Cantor Julie Green, we’ll explore how scripture reminds us that singing and dancing are important expressions of our faith, and how both can help shape our faith lives
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Monday Mar 21, 2022
UVC, Emily McGinley, Executive Pastor | Practicing Worship (Luke 19:45-48)
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
What is worship? Who is it for? And, why should we even bother? These are questions that came up for a lot of folks over the course of the last couple of years.
Jesus spent a lot of time in worship – teaching, preaching, praying, and being in community with some folks he agreed with and a lot of folks he didn’t. But, it was less about whether or not he agreed than it was about the people: People who struggled to discover and embody a life worth living in a world determined to make that as difficult as possible. People who he knew were fearfully and wonderfully made.
Why do you worship? Maybe it’s the opportunity, if only for a moment, to confront the ways that we are broken and fearful and anxious and self-obsessed… to exchange all of these pennies of human frailty for the currency of God’s love and grace and transformative restoration.
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