Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
UVC, Easter Sunday (Group Sermon) Matthew 28:1-10
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Christ is Risen! Jesus’ resurrection is a story that is constantly being written over and over again. This morning, Pastors Hannah, D’Angelo, and Juan Pablo share their own stories of God’s ability to resurrect and call us in to something new. Join us in worship! Happy Easter :)
CCLI # 3211711 / CCLI Streaming #20104183
D’Angelo Smith (Site Pastor – Hyde Park-Woodlawn & Wicker Park)
Hannah Kardon (Teaching Pastor)
Juan Pablo Herrera (Church Planting Resident)
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Our world is in an "in-between time" as we wait for the opportunity to fully be back and engaged with our friends and family. Can Easter speak to us in this limbo? Yes! Mary experienced the risen Christ in that uncertain time, too.
Monday Mar 29, 2021
UVC, Sam Coker (Student Pastor), “Expectant Hope” Mark 11:1-11
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
It’s Palm Sunday! In many ways this is a culmination of Christ’s ministry. Jesus is publicly recognized as the Messiah and the massive crowds, even the Empire, are expecting this triumphant leader. But God does something different. We reflect on this expectant hope, what today represents, and also, what comes next. We’re heading to an empty tomb, but first: Hosannah!!
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
UVC, Christian Coon (Pastor of Emerging Ministries), “I’m Still In” (Acts 2:41- 47)
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Many of us (beloved and wonderful just as we are!) still crave to be made new in some aspect of our life. We conclude our “Made New” series by exploring the final question asked during a baptism: “Do you commit to faithful participation in God’s work in the world?”
In Acts 2, we read about ancestors in the faith who “devoted themselves” to the teachings of apostles like Deborah and Peter. We’ll consider what the writers meant by ‘devotion’, how ancestors & mentors continue to inspire and inform, and how being honest about the difficulties of staying committed matter.
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Many of us (beloved just as we are) still crave to be made new in some aspect of our life. This Lent, we’re focusing on how we can change through studying the transformational promises of Jesus, the science of personal change, and the spirituality of recovery.
Today, as we consider change, Pastor D’Angelo invites to focus on the constant: the amazing and liberating power of the Holy Spirit. Accepting God gives us freedom to act, to resist, and to say boldly “No!” to evils, injustices, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. And we are *not* alone. Even Jesus needed and had access to this constant Advocate. And so do we!
CCLI # 3211711 / CCLI Streaming #20104183
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Many of us (beloved just as we are) still crave to be made new in some aspect of our life: a habit, character aspect, or circumstance that still hurts. We all hope for change. This Lent, we’re going to focus on how we can change through studying the transformational promises of Jesus, the science of personal change, and the spirituality of recovery.
This morning, Juan Pablo Herrera (Church Planting Resident) reflects on how one of the greatest gifts of the resurrection is *really* knowing that any one of us, and our circumstances, and our communities can be made new. We see a Jesus who accompanies and is accompanied. We see a vulnerable Christ who requires solidarity. We see a God who offers and receives grace. Please join us!!
CCLI # 3211711 / CCLI Streaming #20104183
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Hannah Kardon (UVC Teaching Pastor; she/her) discusses with Drew Jones (Hyde Park Woodlawn; Loyola University Chicago; he/him) and Victoria Slabinski (Yale Divinity School; she/her) touch, care, pleasure, trust, partnership, joy, community, relationships… and how the Church hasn’t always been faithful at exploring such important aspects of being.
As Sunday just fell on Valentines Day, we were excited to discuss (especially during a pandemic!) what are we looking for in relationships? What are our relationships to our bodies? How do we prioritize what our bodies want & need? And where is God as we consider these things?
We believe all of these questions are areas of discipleship and discernment, and part of our lives we can talk to God about. Hope you enjoy!
CCLI # 3211711 / CCLI Streaming #20104183
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Hannah Kardon (UVC Teaching Pastor; she/her) discusses with Drew Jones (Hyde Park Woodlawn; Loyola University Chicago; he/him) and Victoria Slabinski (Yale Divinity School;
she/her) touch, care, pleasure, trust, partnership, joy, community, relationships… and how the Church hasn’t always been faithful at exploring such important aspects of being.
As Sunday fell on Valentines Day, we were excited to discuss (especially during a pandemic!) what are we looking for in relationships? What are our relationships to our bodies? How do we prioritize what our bodies want & need? And where is God as we consider these things?
We believe all of these questions are areas of discipleship and discernment, and part of our lives we can talk to God about. Hope you enjoy!
CCLI # 3211711 / CCLI Streaming #20104183
Friday Mar 05, 2021
UVC, Hannah Kardon (Teaching Pastor), “Searching Inventory” (Lk 3:1-14)
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Many of us (beloved just as we are) still crave to be made new in some aspect of our life: a habit, character aspect, or circumstance that hurts. We all hope for change. This Lent, we’re going to focus on how we can change through studying the transformational promises of Jesus, the science of personal change, and the spirituality of recovery.
This morning, Pastor Hannah begins our "Made New" series by looking at how we can turn around from harm and hurt. “Repent! For the kin-dom of God is near. Prepare the way.” Please join us!!
CCLI # 3211711 / CCLI Streaming #20104183
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
“Drag & Spirituality: Named & Known” is an ongoing series with hostess B0NNi33 Vi0L3T (@aqueerchaplain). On this episode, B0NNi33 Vi0L3T speaks with Milani (@Millusi0n)!
In each conversation B0NNi33 Vi0L3T will guide a conversation around drag & spirituality, with drag artists of a variety of spiritual experience, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, size, ability, and styles of drag. Ultimately lacing drag narratives with a spiritual thread for the benefit of the artist and the audience that bears witness.
“Currently I am more spiritual, and I have been doing research on Santeria, a religion that is very predominant in the Caribbean region and Mexico. I am still Catholic but not have been part of the church in many years due to the negativity to my community.” - @Millusi0n
Instragram: @Millusi0n
Donate: cdc.gov/stophivtogether